Saturday, January 5, 2013


Well Happy New Year...just a few days late! Oh well. Hope your holiday's were filled with love, family, and friends! Have you thought of your New Year's Resolutions yet?? I usually don't do them, but I decided that this year - just this year though ;) - I will. So here is a short list of things I resolve to do:

1. Blog more (this is gonna be tough!)
2. Just education myself even more on photography

See, told ya it was short! ;) Blogging is just so different for me. I mean, putting all my random thoughts in on place (other than in my own head). Who really reads this anyway, right? Hopefully you! With, this is just something that I think will always have room for growth. This should be a lifetime resolution! HA!

So I have to share, that today I just had my first session in the new year! Yay!! So excited. I can't wait to start editing. It was just so much...I love the family I did the session for. They are just a great group of people who like to have fun and laugh. It really puts me to ease since I get the "pre-photo-session-jitters"!

Ta-Ta for now!! Thanks for stopping by!

Jenn P